Platinum Camper – 2 adulti 1 bambino Lux Camper Eldiss CV40 ltd edition

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Classe Compatto
Tipo di carburante Diesel
Numero di posti letto Posti letto 3
Posti con cintura di sicurezza 4 posti a sedere con cinture di sicurezza

Vi presentiamo il proprietario, Russell
Membro dal gennaio 2023
Invia un messaggio
4/5 basato su 4 recensioni
Affittato già 80 volte
Rispondi entro poche ore


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Un camper a 3 posti letto di alta qualità davvero straordinario, ideale per le strade strette del Regno Unito. La Limited Edition ha tocchi extra per rendere il viaggio ancora più confortevole. Tutto ciò di cui hai bisogno è a bordo per essere completamente autosufficiente, una cucina ben attrezzata con forno a microonde e un bagno con WC e doccia. Il sistema di riscaldamento è potente e consentirà ai viaggiatori di fine stagione di rilassarsi in tutta comodità. entrambe le...

Il camper

Targa e revisione verificate
Patente B
Euro 6
Isofix: 0
Targa e revisione verificate
Prima immatricolazione nel 2019
Lunghezza e altezza del camper 599 cm x 267 cm


Accessori nella cellula abitativa

  • Acqua calda
  • Aria condizionata cellula abitativa
  • Asciugamani inclusi
  • Biancheria
  • Bombola di gas
  • Camping in libera
  • Camping invernale
  • Cassetta di sicurezza
  • Dinette
  • Doccia
  • Doccia esterna
  • Forno
  • Freezer
  • Frigorifero
  • Garage
  • Impianto di Riscaldamento
  • Pannello solare
  • Portabici
  • Posto a L
  • Ricevitore TV
  • Sedili girevoli
  • Stufa
  • Tavolo e sedie da campeggio
  • Tendalino
  • Toilette
  • TV
  • Utensili da cucina

Accessori in cabina

  • Airbags
  • Aria condizionata in cabina
  • Assistenza parcheggio
  • Bluetooth
  • Catene da neve
  • Cruise Control
  • Entrata audio
  • Gancio traino
  • GPS
  • Isofix
  • Pneumatici invernali
  • Portabagagli
  • Radio
  • Servosterzo
  • Telecamera/sensori di parcheggio

Regole della casa

  • È consentito fumare: No
  • Animali domestici ammessi: Si
  • È consentito andare all'estero: Su richiesta
  • Sport invernale consentito: Su richiesta
  • Festival ammessi: Si
  • Andare in montagna: Si
  • Limite minimo d'età: 25 anni

Vietato fumare
Sostituire il carburante e il gas usati

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  • Assicurazione: Inclusa
  • Franchigia & Deposito: 1.000 £
  • Servizio di soccorso stradale: Nazionale

Riduci il deposito e la franchigia a €150,00 selezionando l'opzione Viaggia senza pensieri al momento della conferma della prenotazione.


  • Limite chilometraggio settimanale 1.200 km
  • Costo per km extra 0,20 £
  • Spese di pulizia 30 £
Sconto viaggi lunghi
Per periodi oltre 3 settimane8%
Per periodi oltre 4 settimane10%

Termini di cancellazione


  • Orario di ritiro dalle: 13:00
  • Orario di consegna fino alle: 11:00
  • 4 notti minimo
Il calendario di questo camper è stato aggiornato di recente

Più città: Glasgow

4 Recensioni

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We had a very bad experience with Goboony and the owner of the vehicle, we were informed prior to confirming the booking the vehicle was suitable to take our 15month baby as long as we provide the car seat. However after we confirmed the booking the owner couldn't guarantee it. We terminated the agreement before the booking started to get a refund. As a result of the situation Goboony didn't refund any of our monies. We are a family from Australia and we lost the equivalent of $1000 for a trip we never took. Goboony and the owner acted in bad faith. We are currently escalating the situation externally. Aprile 2024
Risposta da Russell Response from Russell This is not the case, firstly the hire was much less than quoted on review. I did what I could even offered alternative campers to this lady however instead of turning up at the appointed time to make a final decision she was in an airport - doesn’t sound like someone who was ready for a campervan adventure. Had they decided none of the vans were safe enough for their child I would have been left out of pocket but much rather that than have worried parents. It’s worth noting that many parents of young kids have hired this camper - I checked my liability insurance and they demanded I did not confirm safety until the model of car seat was fitted. There’s always two sides to a story in my opinion and Charlotte has posted a very unfair and factually incorrect timeline of events . We have 4 children ourselves and respect child safety. Had we not then I’m sure this would’ve gone ahead had she but decided in advance to make other plans then blame goboony for not getting in touch with me to anticipate their non arrival. I am 100% satisfied that I acted in an appropriate manner and after goboony investigated they agreed with me. I would do the same with any other parents . Hopefully if reading these contrasting reviews you won’t be worried by the unfounded accusations of travellers who had an alternative agenda , we have over a hundred 5 star reviews for our service and will continue to do the right thing by our customers.
Russell fue una persona muy amable desde el comienzo, nos dió recomendaciones muy importantes para nuestra aventura en Skye... Gracias por tu ayuda! Agosto 2023

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Really good experience. Russel was excellent and I really enjoyed driving the Motorhome round the islands and highlands. Would recommend a size like this which can sleep up to four as it’s easier to get around in. Agosto 2023

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Russell was very helpful and the van was great , keeps everything in tip top condition, went through everything when we arrived to collect the van and got us on our way , the van is amazing, everything you could need. We will definitely be returning Luglio 2023